Welcome to Westwood Elementary!
On behalf of Westwood Elementary, it is my pleasure to extend a warm and heartfelt welcome as we begin a new year. As the principal at Westwood I am confident that we will ensure learning for all students by continuing to build on the strong foundation cultivated thus far through our school/community partnership, positive culture and climate, guaranteed and viable curriculum, quality instruction, and assessment. We will continue to hone our craft in a cycle of continuous improvement.
Through many stakeholder interactions I have observed that Westwood is a high functioning team in which the students at Westwood are the responsibility of all of us. This is a dedicated team focused on collaborative efforts and making data based decisions that encompass all students. This is also an environment where, “All really means ALL!” I will diligently strive to develop our parent/community partnership. It is also a focus of mine to support our faculty and continue to foster an atmosphere that promotes a learning community characterized by child centered instruction and decisions, best practices ensuring academic excellence, trust, respect, faculty community involvement, consistent constructive communication/feedback, and the recognition of both student and staff successes. I am committed to supporting the Westwood team in providing a high quality education that is focused on student learning and data driven results. Working as a team, we BELIEVE, we ACHIEVE, and we INSPIRE.