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August 25, 2020

Westwood Updates and Reminders

Dear Westwood Parents and Guardians,

In preparation for school in 2 days here are some friendly updates/reminders:

100% Remote Online Chromebook Pick Up: 

Date: Wednesday, August 26th

Location: Westwood Elementary


8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. park in the parking lot, use the front entrance and airphone to introduce self, state picking up remote online Chromebook and materials.  Give the student(s) first name, last name, and grade.  Front office will place Chromebook and other applicable materials on a table outside the front entrance for pick up.

3:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. park in the parking lot and walk up to the front entrance.  A staff member will be inside the front doors.   Give the student(s) first name, last name, and grade.  A staff member will place Chromebook and other applicable materials on a table outside the front entrance for pick up.

Arrival and Dismissal Key Notes: 

August 25 Updated Arrival and Dismissal Map

Outside bus lane and car lane supervision: Adults will provide supervision for health and safety, but students will need to open and close vehicle doors.

Car lane-we will continue our dismissal process from last year.  If you still have your assigned number with a hang tag, then please hang from your rearview mirror before entering the parking lot.  If you are a new family and/or misplaced the hang tag, then clearly write or type your last name, first name of your child on an 8 x 11 piece of paper and place it in a visible part of the front windshield.  A staff member will enter the number and/or student name(s) in our dismissal program and then associated students will be released from classrooms to the main exit. For health and safety, adults will provide supervision, but students will need to open and close vehicle doors.

Bus lane morning arrival kids can enter through any of the exits/entrances along the bus lane.   For health and safety, adults will provide supervision, but students will need to open and close vehicle doors.

Dismissal day care and specialized transportation may exit any of the exits/entrances along the bus lane.  For health and safety, adults will provide supervision, but students will need to open and close vehicle doors.

2nd grade will be dismissed from specials and 2nd grade bikers/walkers will be allowed to leave through the exits closest to their specials class.

Families should identify where siblings can meet up outside of Westwood elementary. 

Examples may include the flagpole, Westwood sign, picnic tables near Westwood sign, front bushes outside the main entrance, playground blacktop, or even outside the exit door of the younger sibling.

Hybrid Schedule and Calendar for August/September

The first day of school is Thursday, August 27. Here is the hybrid calendar to begin the school year. The onsite group schedule is as follows:

Group 1 – Monday, Thursday, and alternating Wednesdays

Group 2 – Tuesday, Friday, and alternating Wednesdays

Students will report directly to class when they arrive on their assigned day. Doors open at 7:40 on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and 9:55 on Wednesday.

When students are not at school, their teacher will provide required asynchronous learning activities for students to complete independently.

Thursday, August 27th and Friday, August 28th asynchronous/off site activities: 

Groups 1 and 2 will have their first day of school on Thursday, August 27th.  Group 1 will be onsite and group 2 will be offsite.

Note: For offsite learning August 27th-28th, teachers will be emailing parents independent activities that students can do with a focus on building relationships and making connections.

What does onsite (synchronous) and offsite (asynchronous) learning look like and sound like?

In a hybrid model, synchronous learning refers to on site instruction – when the students are in front of us. Teacher and the students are engaged in learning at the same time.

Look like/Sounds like:

Guided Instruction

Direct Instruction

Responding to Formative Assessment

Prompting, Cueing, Questioning

High leverage skills

In a hybrid model, asynchronous learning occurs away from the teacher or when students are offsite. This could include online interactive activities, skill based practice, extension work from on-site learning, or independent practice. Asynchronous activities may differ depending on developmental level.

Looks like/Sounds like: 

Building fluency of skill

Self-Assessment and Analysis

Analysis of text

Independent Practice

Prep for future learning

Flipped instruction

The approximate amount of time your student will be expected to engage in asynchronous learning is below:

Kdg-2nd grade:

20-25 Reading

15-20 Writing

20-25 Math

15-20 Science/SS or integrated

3rd-5th grade:

25-30 Reading

25-30 Writing

25-30 Math

15-20 Science/SS or integrate

Schedule for students participating in online remote learning

A daily routine for students in the required online remote learning environment is critical. For this reason, daily schedules for synchronous and asynchronous learning have been developed.  More details and information will be provided by your child’s assigned teacher.

Example of Elementary Daily Schedule

August 20, 2020

Welcome to Kindergarten at Westwood Elementary

Please review the following PowerPoint for information regarding kindergarten at Westwood Elementary.

Kindergarten Registration PPT 2020 2021


August 4, 2020

Hybrid Learning Model

The final Hybrid Learning model schedule for the 2020-2021 school year has been selected. See the attached schedule, which is the Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays.
The survey results were:

Model 1 (Alternating Days): 35.15%
Model 2 (Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays): 64.85%

Hybrid Learning Model

The final results of the survey were:

  • Model 1 (Alternating Days): 35.15%
  • Model 2 (Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays): 64.85%
June 12, 2020

Westwood Elementary is on Twitter!

We’re on Twitter!

Be sure to follow us @AnkenyWestwood to keep up on all of the happenings at Westwood Elementary School!

June 12, 2020

Westwood PTO

Learn about the activities of the Westwood PTO, find opportunities to volunteer, and help us make our school a better place with parent involvement.

Westwood PTO now has it’s own newsletter!

All of the information you need in one, easy to read document.   This and much more can be found on the Westwood PTO Website!  Check it out!